Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - Waterblight Ganon Guide
Our Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - Waterblight Ganon Guide is the best source of information for Waterblight Ganon, giving you comprehensive details on his background and boss fight, plus tips on how to effectively defeat him.
For the other Ganon Blights and bosses, you can view our Bosses Guide.
Background of Waterblight Ganon
Waterblight Ganon is the scourge of Divine Beast Vah Ruta. In the original BOTW, this blight brought the defeat and demise of the Zora Champion, Mipha.
With the help of Sidon and one of your heroes, this fate is averted and Waterblight Ganon fails in controlling the Divine Beast.
You first face Waterblight Ganon in the Chapter entry Water and Fire. After that, he gets revived by Astor and comes back as a miniboss in the Chapter entry The Future of Hyrule.
Waterblight Ganon Boss Fight
Waterblight Ganon is a melee fighter, as shown in his choice of weapons, a fail for his right hand, and a spear for his left hand. He will be alternating between these two weapons for his attacks. Once in a while, he will be doing ranged and AOE attacks.
Waterblight Ganon Weakness
Before fighting this monster, it's best to know its weakness. Waterblight Ganon is weak to lightning attacks. You can clear his whole WPG in one usage of the Lightning Rod.
You can observe that his WPG when struck by lighting is brittle and can easily break.
We will now go through the attacks of Waterblight Ganon.
Ice Spear Attack
This attack uses the left-hand weapon of Waterblight Ganon, the spear. In its wind up, the monster pulls his left arm to prepare the attack.
And then he will immediately thrust it forward in your direction, as shown below. You can block this attack. This attack does not have any follow-up, so you can guard it safely.
You can easily avoid this by dodging to your side. And if you are confident, you can do a perfect guard on it as well.
Ice Flail Attack
This attack uses the right-hand weapon of Waterblight Ganon, the flail. In its wind up, the monster pulls his right arm and raises it up.
And then he will swing the flail with full force towards your direction. This can flatten you like a pancake if it hits.
Similar to the earlier attack, this can be easily avoided by dodging to your side, as shown below.
And if you are confident, show Ganon who is the boss by doing a perfect guard on the ice flail like below.
Ice Swipe Attack
This attack uses the spear as well, but instead of doing a thrust, the monster swipes the spear in a 180 degrees direction. This can easily trip enemies in front of Waterblight Ganon.
In the attack's wind up, Ganon raises his left arm to his right side. That is the sign for you to get ready for a swipe.
He will then immediately swing it in his front, swiping the enemies in a large arc.
You can punish this attack by doing a backflip dodge as shown below.
Alternatively, you can do a perfect guard on it and show him who is the boss.
Water Blast Attack
The Water Blast is one of the special attacks of Waterblight Ganon.
In the attack's wind up, he positions his spear pointing to the floor, where circles start to appear.
After a few seconds, he will slam the spear towards the circle, and a blast of water will go up, damaging everyone within the circle.
You can avoid this by getting out of the circle, the moment the wind up is telegraphed.
Water Teleport Attack
This is a non-damaging attack, where Waterblight Ganon disappears in a ball of sphere, and then appears somewhere nearby.
Note that he will always do an attack after showing up. So the moment he disappears, expect an attack coming next and either guard or dodge.
Ice Missiles Attack
This is one of the few non-melee attacks that Waterblight Ganon has. In the attack's wind up, the monster will show a sphere forming on top of its head.
Immediately after that, ice missiles will attack you in a straight direction. You can easily dodge to your side to avoid getting hit.
Ice Nova Attack
This is another rare ranged attack by Waterblight Ganon. In the attack's wind up, he pulls both of his arms and weapons inwards, as though coiling himself into a ball.
Then he will immediately raise his head and release both of his arms. An ice bubble will start forming with you inside.
Once the bubble reaches a large size, it will explode, damaging and freezing everyone in it.
Ice Rush Attack
This is one of Waterblight Ganon's flashy attacks, next only to the Flailstorm Attack. This attack not only does have a wind up, but it also has a telegraph that you counter with Cryonis.
As this is a thrust attack, your goal is to stop it using ice pillars created with Cryonis. In the wind up, the monster pulls both of his weapons, as through preparing their momentum.
Then the monster will forcefully blast towards your direction, using his spear to impale you.
To avoid getting damage, you can either block or dodge to your side.
Flailstorm Attack
This is the flashiest and most impressive melee attack of Waterblight Ganon. It is also very rare. You might fight the monster and not see this attack. He typically does it after receiving significant damage to his health.
The attack has a telegraph, which you can counter using Statis. In the attack's wind up, the monster spins his flail menacingly, as through increasing the impact it will create once he decides to start hammering it towards you.
After a few swings, he will start pounding the flail in your direction multiple times. You can easily avoid it though, by dodging to your side. As the attack has multiple follow-ups, don't block as you will get guard-broken, hence taking damage after the first blocked attack.
You can view our Bosses Guide to learn more about the other boss fights in the game.