Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - Weapon Fusion Guide
Our Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - Weapon Fusion Guide is the best source of information for the Weapon Fusion mechanic of the game, giving comprehensive details on the mechanics of upgrading weapon damage, acquiring seals, seal tiers, and shape synergy.
Although the Age of Calamity is an action game, it has a more robust, sensible, practical, and engaging weapon upgrade process than pure loot-based games like Diablo 3 or Torchlight II or Path of Exile, and so on.
This game mechanic is like the Kanai Cube on steroids (a mechanic in Diablo 3).
We know that this Hyrule game is about the action and combat, but they captured the weapon upgrade process amazingly.
Upgrading Weapon Damage and Acquiring Seals
Before we go through the mechanics of weapon fusion, let's discuss the mechanics of the weapons themselves. Every weapon in the game has three properties:
- A weapon has a level
- A weapon has an attack power
- A weapon has one or more attributes
These attributes are what we call the seals. There are different kinds of seals with different shapes.
As an example, the Throwing Spear below has these properties:
- It is level 1
- It has an attack power of 17
- It has one seal
- The shape of the seal is a hexagon
- The attribute is - Damage from Enemies: -3%
We can now proceed with the mechanics of weapon fusion:
- To upgrade a weapon, it must consume another weapon
- When a weapon gets upgraded, its level and damage both increase
- When a weapon reaches level 5, or 10, or 15, or 20, it acquires a seal as well
- The seal is acquired from the first fusing material that has a seal
- The rest of the seals of other fusing materials do not matter and are ignored
- When a weapon reaches level 25, it acquires its first inherent seal
- When a weapon reaches level 30, it acquires its second inherent seal
We will give concrete examples of how the mechanics above work, but let's use a fully upgraded Master Sword to explain the concepts:
- As it is level 30, it can have a maximum of 4 seals. Note that one or all can be removed or replaced by other seals.
- As it is level 30, it has acquired its 2 inherent seals. These can never be removed nor replaced. They are automatically unlocked.
- To reach level 30, this weapon consumed a lot of other weapons and rupees.
Seal Tiers
Before we go to seal synergies, let's discuss the quality of the seals, so you don't end up wasting potential good seals. These are the mechanics for seal tiers:
- Seals have 3 tiers, that is, they have quality levels.
- The quality of a seal does not correlate to the attack damage of a weapon
The first rule says that you can have different qualities of attributes. The quality is signaled by the number of + icon on the seal. The seal with the ++ icon has the best possible value.
By looking at the weapons below, we can have these observations:
- The first weapon has an attack damage of 45 and a Special-Attack Charge Rate bonus of +3%. The seal has no + icon.
- The second weapon has an attack damage of 31 and a Special-Attack Charge Rate bonus of +6%. The seal has a + icon.
- The third weapon has an attack damage of 34 and a Special-Attack Charge Rate bonus of +9%. The seal has a ++ icon.
Seal Tier 1 - No + icon
This is the normal seal bonus. Avoid using this seal as you can easily find something better.
Seal Tier 2 - With + icon
This is the seal with a + bonus. You can use it and maybe replace it later when you find one with a ++.
Seal Tier 3 - With ++ icon
This is the seal with a ++ bonus. If you like this attribute, save it for your final weapon.
Your takeaway from this is - collect those ++ seals and save them for later.
Seal Shape Synergy Bonus
This mechanic can add a little confusion to new players. But once you understand it, it is actually simple.
Rules on Seal Shapes:
- Rule 1 - The seal shape of the weapon being enhanced and that of the first fusing material determines if there is a bonus on the attributes - for fusions leading to levels 5, 10, 15, and 20.
- If they have the same shape, there will be a bonus
- If they don't have the same shape, there is no bonus, even if the rest of the fusing materials have the same shape as the base weapon
- Rule 2 - After the first fusion, the future bonus only applies to the newly acquired seal attributes - for fusions leading to levels 10, 15, and 20.
Rule 1 - Seal Shape of the Base and First Fusing Material
Let's explain the rule with a demo. The base weapon we want to enhance has a hexagon seal shape.
- Damage from Enemies: -3%
The first fusing material has a hexagon seal shape as well.
- Damage at Full Hearts: +2%
Based on Rule 1, when we upgrade the base weapon and use the first fusing material plus other weapons, then there will be a bonus for both seals.
- Damage from Enemies: -4%
- Damage at Full Hearts: +3%
We got -4% instead of -3% and +3% instead of +2% - because of shape synergy.
If the shape of the first fusing material is not a hexagon, then there will be no bonuses like above, even if all the other fusing weapons have hexagon shapes. It is the shape of the first fusing material that matters.
Rule 2 - Bonus Only on the Newly Acquired Attribute
It is now clear to us how the first fusion leading to a level 5 works. But what about level 10, 15, and 20? Will we get a bonus for those as well if we use the same shape in the first fusing material?
Based on Rule 2, you will not get a bonus for already existing seals. The bonus will only appear on the newly acquired seal.
Let's show this with a demo.
The base weapon has a square seal.
The first fusing material has a square seal.
The result of the fusion has a bonus for both seals.
The next first fusion material has a square seal.
After the fusion leading to level 10, we can observe:
- The first seal didn't change
- The second seal didn't change
- The newly acquired third seal has a bonus
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