Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - 100% Completion Guide
Our Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - 100% Completion Guide is the best source of information for the 100% completion of the game, giving comprehensive details on the completion requirements, approach for checking progress, and tips for clearing Chapters, Challenges, and Quests.
Achieving 100% Completion
Did you finish BOTW with 100% completion? If the answer is no, be glad that you have a higher chance to complete the Age of Calamity with 100% completion.
But why would you want to 100% complete this game? Unlike BOTW, where almost everything is optional and there is no firm structure on the flow of the game, the Age of Calamity is story-driven and uses that flow to structure the content that you can consume in the game. You will experience this content through the Chapters, Challenges, and Quests in the game.
In BOTW, you can go straight to Ganon after leaving the Great Plateau. In AoC, you need to go through Chapters 1 to 6, before you can reach Chapter 7. Before you can do the 161st Challenge, you should have completed the first 160 challenges. The same applies to the 300 plus Quests in the game. They all have a sequential dependency.
So, why would you want to 100% the game?
Because it's the best way to unlock and consume everything that the game has to offer. There are no optional Chapters or Challenges or Quests in the game. By unlocking everything, you will automatically achieve 100% completion.
The Game Map and Your Completion Status
If there is only one UI in the game that you can use to unlock and consume all the content available, that will be the map. Just by using this map, you will be able to access everything.
Beginning Map
At the start of the game, the map is empty. As you complete the initial content, more items get unlocked and the map begins to show more icons.
Note that the name of the currently highlighted region is shown and its completion rate through human icons.
The map of Hyrule consists of 8 Regions. By completing each region, you will automatically gain 100% Completion of the game.
End Game Map
Below shows a 100% completed game and its map. With your beginner map, you will gradually fill it up with icons, until finally you have unlocked everything and completed all of them after the icons become available.
Chapters, Challenges, and Quests
The icons you see on the map are either Chapters, Challenges, or Quests. Even the stables or shops or services, they all started as Quests. So in essence, there are only three categories of content in the game.
Recipe for 100% Completion
Below is our simple recipe for a stress-free and enjoyable 100% completion of the game. It only consists of three steps.
- Complete all Chapters
- Complete all Challenges
- Complete all Quests
And how will you track your progress? As shared above, all you need is the map. Everything is accessible and can be tracked on the map.
Should I Worry About the Korok Seeds?
In BOTW, Korok seeds are optional. They are a goal in themselves, as they don't really have a use aside from 100% completion.
It is different in the Age of Calamity. All of the Korok seeds have a purpose. They are not optional.
The main reason you need to collect the Korok seeds is to unlock Quests. So, should you worry about Korok seeds? The answer is no. You should worry about Quest completion instead. If you complete all the Quests, you automatically acquire all Korok seeds.
- More Rattle, More Dance! (1 Korok Seed)
- The Korok Ballet (2 Korok Seeds)
- Frown-Reversal Magic (1 Korok Seed)
- Good Cheer (5 Korok Seeds)
- A Most Peculiar Korok (5 Korok Seeds)
- It's Shakala Time (9 Korok Seeds)
- Parade for the Champions (8 Korok Seeds)
- The Sweetest Salsa (24 Korok Seeds)
- Birthday Waltz (15 Korok Seeds)
- It Takes Two (20 Korok Seeds)
- Forest Minuet (13 Korok Seeds)
- Fantastic Flamenco (35 Korok Seeds)
- Let's Dance (3 Korok Seeds)
- The Eye That Sees Far (1 Korok Seed)
- Gerudo Canyon Festival (28 Korok Seeds)
Total Korok Seeds in the Game
The majority of the Korok seeds can be acquired by collecting them while playing the Chapters. A large number of them are also given as first clear rewards.
- First Clear Rewards - 41 Koroks Seeds
- Total Koroks in Challenges - 12 Korok Seeds
- Total Koroks in Chapters - 122 Korok Seeds
- Total Korok Seeds - 175 Seeds
You can use our Korok Guide to easily find them all.
Is 100% Completion Worth it?
This question is equivalent to - is consuming the full content of the game worth it? And the answer is simple - Yes. If you like BOTW and more Zelda content, the answer is very obvious.
Complete All Chapters
Your first goal in achieving 100% completion is to first complete all of the chapters. In fact, you can ignore Challenges and Quests at the start, if you want. But complete the Chapters. You will soon find the content becomes more difficult, because the skill upgrades, weapon upgrades, various merchants, and services are all locked behind Quests and Challenges. The game balances itself beautifully. You can ignore some content sometimes, but not all the time.
There is a total of 7 Chapters and 20 entries in the game.
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6
- Chapter 7
Complete All Challenges
Our second advice is to balance your gameplay between Challenges and Quests. You will find later on that the most thrilling and exhilarating gameplay is behind the Challenges. So ensure that you clear the Challenges as well.
There is a total of 161 Challenges in the game. We created the Challenges Guide and grouped the content into the recommended level when you should be taking them. In addition, we also placed all Challenges related to the Divine Beasts into their own group.
Complete All Quests
While playing the Chapters and Challenges, you will soon find out that you need to level up your other characters, upgrade your weapons, buy some items from merchants, or unlock some skill combo. These are all locked behind Quests. So if you want to make your gameplay with Chapters and Challenges enjoyable, be sure to complete the Quests as well.
There is a total of 365 Quests in the game. We grouped the Quests based on their target character or their goal.
- Quests for Link - 24
- Quests for Impa - 12
- Quests for Zelda - 17
- Quests for Mipha - 12
- Quests for Daruk - 12
- Quests for Revali - 12
- Quests for Urbosa - 12
- Quests for Hestu - 12
- Quests for Sidon - 12
- Quests for Yunobo - 12
- Quests for Teba - 12
- Quests for Riju - 12
- Quests for Master Kohga - 12
- Quests for King Rhoam - 12
- Quests for Great Fairies - 12
- Quests for Monk Maz Koshia - 12
- Quests for Terrako - 12
- Quests for Calamity Ganon - 12
- Quests to Improve All Allies - 19
- Quests for Sheikah Runes - 8
- Quests for Divine Beasts - 4
- Quests to Unlock Services - 17
- Quests to Improve Services - 26
- Quests for Material - 7
- Quests for Cooking - 26
- Quests for Battle Support - 12
- Quests for Sheikah Sensor - 4
- Quests for Contribution Level - 9
Master the Item Sensor
There is one last item that will play a crucial role in your 100% Completion of the game. And that is the Item Sensor. In your later gameplay, the Quests will play a major part in your 100% completion, as they are more than 300.
One of the issues you might face when completing Quests is missing required items.
If you have played Monster Hunter, have you ever experienced needing an item but not knowing in which quest to acquire it? Age of Calamity has done a large number of good game design improvements, and this is one of them.
Let's say that you want to complete a Quest named Painter's Pilgrimage. This quest rewards you with an additional heart for all of your characters. It is a quest with a very good reward.
However, you found out that you lack the required materials as shown below.
The game provides you with a sensor that you can use to track such missing materials. You activate the sensor for the quest by pressing the X button. This will track all the missing materials in the quest against all the other currently available Chapters and Challenges on your map.
In the image above, we have activated the sensor, and this time, a few Challenges started showing a green circle around them. That means these are the Challenges I can try to acquire the materials. Note that this tracker is not limited to Chapters or Challenges, they can track anything on the map, including Merchants and Shops, as long as they satisfy the materials being targetted.
Also, notice that the quest being tracked started showing a green dot. You are able to register quests up to 3, which can later be increased once you upgrade the sensor.
But Can you Defeat the Bosses?
You now know what you need to do to achieve 100% completion of the game. But can you defeat the bosses?
View our Bosses Guide so you can easily defeat them.