Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - Sidon Guide
Our Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - Sidon Guide is the best source of information for Sidon, giving you comprehensive details on his background, questline, and combat skills.
Winning Smile. The Zora prince from the future and younger brother to Champion Mipha. He is unwaveringly positive with a strong sense of duty. He fights for Hyrule and to save his sister.
Unlocking Sidon
Sidon is unlocked in the entry Water and Fire of Chapter 5. You also unlock the character Yunobo in this entry.
Sidon Attack Moveset
- Employ boundless optimism at the right time during a strong attack to increase its damage
- Press ZR at the right time after boosting a Strong Attack to gain knockback resistance
Unique Action
R1 - Regular Attack
Dash Attack
C1 - Strong Attack
Running Strong Attack
Special Attack
Stasis Attack
Remote Bombs Attack
Magnesis Attack
Cryonis Attack
Regular 7 - R7 - Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y Attack
Combo 2 - C2 - Y-X Attack
Combo 3 - C3 - Y-Y-X Attack
Combo 4 - C4 - Y-Y-Y-X Attack
Combo 5 - C5 - Y-Y-Y-Y-X Attack
Combo 6 - C6 - Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-X Attack
View our Characters Guide for the rest of the available playable characters.