Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - Who's Shocked by Lightning?
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - Who's Shocked by Lightning? is a Quest in the game which helps you acquire the recipe for Electro Mushroom Skewer.
Quest Request
Someone has told you how he survives life in a village plagued by lightning: he eats a dish that keeps him from being shocked. Bring him the ingredient, and then he'll tell you how to make it.
Materials Needed
- 1 x Zapshroom
- Earn Recipe for Electro Mushroom Skewer
Quest Completion
You were served a mushroom skewer grilled to perfection. The aroma alone was worth it, and eating it will keep you from going numb when zapped. You have learned this useful recipe.
More Cooking Recipes
To view the complete list of all available recipes in the game, view our Cooking Guide.