Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - Entrance Test
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - Entrance Test is a Quest in the game which helps you unlock the Military Training Camp. This is one of the most important quests in the game and must be unlocked as early as possible.
Quest Request
A special instructor at the Military Training Camp will give you training if you show him proof you've defeated a large number of monsters. Get that proof to earn his training.
Materials Needed
- 50 x Lizalfos Trophy
- 200 x Bokoblin Trophy
- 5 x Moblin Trophy
- Gain Use of Military Training Camp
Quest Completion
After proving that you have defeated plenty of monsters, the instructor recognized your battle ability. He said he will train you anytime - as long as you have enough rupees.
Learn the Military Training Services
View our Military Training Guide to learn more about its services.