Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - Urbosa's Training
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - Urbosa's Training is a Challenge in the game which requests you to defeat 100 enemies within 3 minutes. After that, you need to defeat four Gerudo Captains.
Urbosa has gathered her soldiers and declared the start of combat drills. Never one to shirk hard work, she also intends to take part.
Recommend Level
- Level 5
Main Enemies
- Gerudo Soldier
- Gerudo Captain
First-Clear Reward
- 1 x Ethereal Stone
- 1 x Amber
- 10 x Hydromelon
- Weapon
Battlefield-Specific Materials
- Electric Safflina
- Sunshroom
- Warm Darner
Challenge Details
The Challenge is straightforward, you just need to defeat 100 enemies within 3 minutes. After that, you need to defeat all of the four Gerudo Captains.
More Combat Tips for Urbosa
View our Urbosa Guide for more combat tips for Urbosa.