Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - King Rhoam Guide
Our Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - King Rhoam Guide is the best source of information for King Rhoam, giving you comprehensive details on his background, questline, and combat skills.
Defier of Prophecy. The king of Hyrule and father to Zelda. He leads the Hyrulean army. He is intent on stopping the Calamity and restoring peace to the world.
Unlocking King Rhoam
King Rhoam is unlocked in the entry The Great Plateau of Chapter 1. He is one of the last characters that can be unlocked by simply following the story Chapters.
King Rhoam Attack Moveset
- Use king guise to deliver powerful blows, and use hermit guise to unleash quicker strikes
- Changing guises during a strong attack will trigger an additional strong attack
- Boost your attack strength by attacking while switching guises
Common Attack Moveset
Unique Action
Stasis Attack
Remote Bombs Attack
Magnesis Attack
Cryonis Attack
R1 - Regular Attack
Dash Attack
C1 - Strong Attack
Running Strong Attack
Special Attack
Regular 7 - R7 - Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y Attack
King Guise Attack Moveset
Combo 2 - C2 - Y-X Attack
Combo 3 - C3 - Y-Y-X Attack
Combo 4 - C4 - Y-Y-Y-X Attack
Combo 5 - C5 - Y-Y-Y-Y-X Attack
Combo 6 - C6 - Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-X Attack
Hermit Guise Attack Moveset
Combo 2 - C2 - Y-X Attack
Combo 3 - C3 - Y-Y-X Attack
Combo 4 - C4 - Y-Y-Y-X Attack
Combo 5 - C5 - Y-Y-Y-Y-X Attack
Combo 6 - C6 - Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-X Attack
View our Characters Guide for the rest of the available playable characters.