Ghost of Tsushima: Legend of the Ghost
Ghost of Tsushima's Legend of the Ghost is a core gameplay mechanic where the player accumulates and fill-ups a gauge that reflect the progression and maturity of Jin as the Ghost.
This is visible in the top-right of the menu. It gradually accumulates as you go on your journey as Jin Sakai. Through quests and normal progression of the story, it will increase.
Quests contribute varying amounts to the gauge.
By naturally playing the game, doing major quests and side-quests, this will gradually get filled-up.
Legend of the Ghost Progression
- The Broken Samurai
- The Wandering Samurai
- The People's Hope
- The Unyielding Wind
- The Shadow Samurai
- The Hero of Tsushima
- The Avenging Guardian
- The Phantom Samurai
The Broken Samurai
Your legend begins as The Broken Samurai. This covers the very early part of the game.
The Wandering Samurai
By the time you complete your second major quest, you would have accumulated enough points to reach the next stage of your legend, The Wandering Samurai.
With every transition in your legend, your maximum health increases.
At the early stage of the game, though you just reached a new stage, the meter might show large gains especially if you just finished a major quest. This will not be the case at the more advanced part of the game, where the meter slowly grows.
Unlock the Ghost Weapons
The Wandering Samurai legend will unlock for you the Ghost Weapons.
The weapon to get unlocked is the Kunai.
A small blade that can be quickly thrown at nearby enemies, Staggering them.
The People's Hope
The next legend stage after The Wandering Samurai is The People's Hope. You will normally get this after your third major quest.
The Wandering Samurai will make the remaining Ghost Weapons available for you. Of course, you can only buy one at a time, so select carefully.
One good weapon to buy this early is the Sticky Bomb.
Throw a pitch-covered bomb that will stick to your enemy.
Quickfire Weapon Swapping Tutorial
After unlocking your second Ghost Weapon, the game will show you the tutorial for Quickfire Weapon Swapping.
You perform this by pressing R2 and then using the D-Pad to switch Ghost Weapons.
The Unyielding Wind
After The People's Hope, the next legend stage is The Unyielding Wind. You will most probably achieve this by the time you completed your fourth major quest.
This stage brings two rewards with it:
- Maximum health increase - like all the previous legend states
- Maximum resolve increase - it will add one more circle to your Resolve bar
Unlock the Third Ghost Weapon
This new legend stage also rewards the unlocking of your third ghost weapon.
One good ghost weapon to buy at this stage is the Wind Chime.
Throw a small bell to draw an enemy's attention.
Ranged Weapon Swapping Tutorial
After unlocking your Wind Chime, the game will show you the tutorial for Ranged Weapon Swapping.
You perform this by pressing L2 and then using the D-Pad to switch between your ranged weapons.
The Shadow Samurai
After The Unyielding Wind, the next legend stage is The Shadow Samurai. You will most probably achieve this by the time you completed Act 1.
Unlock the Fourth Ghost Weapon
This new legend stage also rewards the unlocking of your fourth ghost weapon.
One good ghost weapon to buy at this stage is the Black Powder Bomb.
Thrown explosive that damages and Staggers enemies caught in the blast.
The Hero of Tsushima
After The Shadow Samurai, the next legend stage is The Hero of Tsushima. You will most probably achieve this while in Act 2.
Unlock the Fifth Ghost Weapon
This new legend stage also rewards the unlocking of your fifth ghost weapon.
One good ghost weapon to buy at this stage is the Smoke Bomb.
Unleash a dense cloud of smoke at your feet, causing enemies to lose sight of you.
The Avenging Guardian
After The Hero of Tsushima, the next legend stage is The Avenging Guardian. You will most probably achieve this while in Act 2.
This stage brings two rewards with it:
- Maximum health increase - like all the previous legend states
- Maximum resolve increase - it will add one more circle to your Resolve bar
By this time, you have unlocked already all of the Ghost Weapons.
The Phantom Samurai
After The Avenging Guardian, the next legend stage is The Phantom Samurai. You will most probably achieve this while in Act 3.
This stage rewards you with maximum health increase and the Charm of Toxic Demise.
Wind Chimes release poison vapors that kill enemies who pick them up.