Ghost of Tsushima: Controls Guide
Ghost of Tsushima's Controls Guide gives you the comprehensive details for the setup of the PS4 controller for the game.
With the PS4 controller buttons, you can perform the following actions.
Guiding Wind - Swipe Touchpad
Call the Horse - D-Pad Left
Heal - D-Pad Bottom
Photo Mode - D-Pad Right
Standoff - D-Pad Top
Jump through Windows - X
Climb Up - X
Gather Materials - R2
Talk to People - R2
Assassinate - Square
Block - L1
Parry - L1 with proper timing
Quick Fire - R1
Crouching - Press R
Crawling - Press R2
Squeeze through Gaps - Press R2
Attack Types
- Quick Attack - press Square
- Heavy Attack - press Triangle
- Stab Attack - hold Triangle