Ghost of Tsushima: Necessary for Survival
Ghost of Tsushima's Necessary for Survival is a Record found in Umugi Cove in which the orders of Lady Sanjo were listed. They contain strict rules that must be followed with a special note to Goro.
Necessary for Survival Record Content
By order of Lady Sanjo, there are new rules for all who use this storage space.
Firstly, anyone caught stealing, "borrowing", or otherwise touching merchandise that does not belong to you, your colleague, or your direct employer, will be executed. No exceptions.
Secondly, anyone caught urinating, defecating, or spitting inside the storeroom will have a blade rammed through the offending body part emitting said prohibited substance.
Thirdly, Goro, if you're not too drunk to read this, I suggest you turn right around and walk out of here before someone catches you and executes you. No exceptions this time.
Necessary for Survival Map and Location
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