Ghost of Tsushima: Kubara Bamboo Strike
Ghost of Tsushima's Kubara Bamboo Strike is a bamboo cutting mini-game found in Kubara where the player has to press a series of controller inputs to complete the goal.
It's the games thematic way of upgrading the player's Resolve.
You need to be focused while doing this mini-game. Memorize the sequence of control inputs and let your fingers be fast.
With enough practice, you will be able to complete the trial and you will be reward with points to increase your resolve.
Kubara Bamboo Strike Map and Location
Sacred Mountain Messenger Mask
There are 16 Bamboo Strikes distributed throughout Tsushima island. If you are able to complete all of them you will acquire the Sacred Mountain Messenger mask.
Visit our Ghost of Tsushima 100% Walkthrough to get more details.