Ghost of Tsushima: Conversations with the Khan 5
Ghost of Tsushima's Conversations with the Khan 5 is a Record found in the Logging Base near River Child's Wetlands in which a monk shares the rage of Khotun Khan after Lord Shimura declines his offer of alliance.
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Ghost of Tsushima's Conversations with the Khan 2 is a Mongol Record that can be found while doing the quest Liberate Ogawa Dojo. Mongol records can be found all over the island - in towns, settlements, shrines, Mongol camps, and many other places.
Conversations with the Khan 5 Record Content
Today was terrible. Khotun burst into his quarters in a rage and shattered a rather exquisite table that came from a land called "Kashumiru". I write this casually now, but I was truly terrified and convinced death was at hand. These are people who drink horse blood, after all.
After some time I was able to calm Khotun down enough to tease out the source of his ire - Lord Shimura refused his offer of alliance! It's clear that Khotun does not regard Shimura's cooperation as crucial to his designs for the mainland - but he is not accustomed to being denied. Lord Shimura's spine must be made of katana steel to say no to this man.
Conversations with the Khan 5 Map and Location
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