Ghost of Tsushima: Meet Us In Umugi Cove
Ghost of Tsushima's Meet Us In Umugi Cove is a Record found near Azamo Bay in which a person informs his brother to leave Azamo Bay and flee north to the foothills.
Meet Us In Umugi Cove Record Content
I asked Taro to run day and night to you with this message. Leave while you can. Komoda Town is ash. The walls of Azamo Bay will not keep these invaders out. They are not pirates or bandits from the bad old days... They are worse. They have massive weapons that cause fire to rain from the sky. We cannot hope to oppose them. Flee north to the foothills.
Meet Us in Umugi Cove Map and Location
Where is the Building?
You can find the artifact in this building.
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