Ghost of Tsushima: A Place to Call Home
Ghost of Tsushima's A Place to Call Home is a Tale of Tsushima about a father who seeks help for his family he left behind after the Mongols attacked their home. Jin helps find his wife and son and defeat the Mongols.
A man was shouting for help. I'll find out what's wrong.
- Minor Legend Increase
- Minor Utility Charm
- + 10 Linen
Start of A Place to Call Home
You get A Place to Call Home quest when you talk to an NPC you will meet on a location shown in the map below. You need to be near this area to trigger the quest.
Talk to this man and the quest will be acquired in your journal.
Peasant: My lord, the Mongols have them!
Jin: Calm down. Who's been taken?
Peasant: The invaders took our house. Down the road. My wife is there. With my son!
Jin: You left your family behind?
Peasant: What choice did I have? I'm no warrior.
Jin: (Frustrated sigh) I'll help them. Stay here.
Rescue the family from the Mongols
Use the Guiding Wind to find the home of the father. Once you reach the home, you will find out that it's swarming with Mongols.
After defeating the Mongols, look for the man's family inside the house.
Jin: The man mentioned a wife and child...
Speak with the family in the home
You will soon discover that the house is empty and that the family is nowhere to be found.
Jin: No sign of the family here. Maybe outside.
Search for signs of the family
Look for signs of the family outside the house. There are three signs you can found.
Note that the Guiding Wind will not help you find these.
The first clue is the damp laundry you will in the left side of the mini-bridge near the water.
Jin: Laundry. Still damp. The attack was sudden.
Just look at the left side of the damp laundry, you will find these blood tracks. Follow them and they will bring you to a murder spot.
Jin: A lot of blood. Someone was killed here.
Keep following the tracks.
Jin: Bodies were dragged. Thrown in the water.
Finally, you will reach the last tracks of blood and a child's toy.
Jin: A child's toy. His family didn't survive. I should let him know.
Inform the man of his family’s fate
Go back to the area where you found earlier the damp laundry. You will find the man waiting for you.
Peasant: My lord... did you find them?
Jin: (Angry intake of breath) Your family... was killed. I'm sorry.
Peasant: Why didn't you save them? (Sigh) I ran. Like a coward. I should be dead, too.
Jin: It's not your fault. Don't let their deaths be in vain. Resist the invaders. Help those in need.
Peasant: Yes, my lord.
And with that, you have completed A Place to Call Home side quest.
Charm of Well-Being I Reward
Completing the tale rewards you with a Minor Utility Charm. This item is the Charm of Well-Being I.
- Receive an additional 7.5 of health when healing
The Next Quest
View our Quest Guide to explore more of the adventures of Jin.