Game Design: Memorable Music
10 Memorable Music
Next to Combat, Music is the second most important facet of the game.
Players might forget everything in a game, but not the music, because it talks directly to the heart.
The goal of Mechdamon is to have memorable music that can enhance the engagement of the players and that they can enjoy outside the game.
10.1 Listenable on Its Own
The music should be pleasant and enjoyable to listen to on its own and outside the game.
10.2 8 and 80 Music Test
Both an 8-year-old child and an 80-year-old person should be able to find the music pleasant and enjoyable.
10.3 Thematic Music
Music should reflect the theme of each major character, location, and enemy.
10.3.1 Mechdamon Theme
The game as a whole should have a very recognizable theme, the Mechdamon Theme.
In 1.2.2 (Pull to Continue), we shared that the second-best music should play during the first gaming session of the player. This music should ideally be the Mechdamon Theme.
10.4 Delightful Opening
The Mechdamon Theme should be among the most delightful music in the game as it opens the adventure for the player.